Tuesday, October 28, 2014

First post...Yay!!

Well, I finally did it.  I have spent countless hours perusing other blogs looking for recipes, DIY projects, and just advice on life.  One day while looking for sewing templates (I just got a new sewing machine and think I can take over the world with it), I decided I might as well start my own blog.  I'm only 26 years old, but sometimes it seems like I should be nearing retirement.  Maybe I should clarify... In the past year, my husband and I both graduated with our second degrees.  I got a second bachelor's degree in special education and Brad finished his master's in crop sciences.  Before we even had time to cut the graduation cake, Brad had a new job and we were being whisked away to Mississippi for his training.  We were told we would be there for 6 to 18 months, but about 4 months later we were sent to Nebraska.  Because of the inconsistent living situation, I have been unable to get a job and put my degree to use.  So, my days consist of hanging out with my two lovely cats, reading, sewing, and watching The Price is Right...which brings us back to the early retirement.  Stay tuned for more posts from me in the near future!  Trust me, I've got lots to share and nothing but time, so you won't want to miss it! Till next time...